Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hinduism and Prison Violence.

Fellow right-winged Hindu hawks will be delighted to know that our ancient religion has spread its cultural influence on that cesspool of modern society: Prisons.
Is it a coincidence that the 2 of the names of Lethal 'Jugaad' Prison weapons seem eponymous with the Hindu Lord of Destruction ?
From Wikipedia:
shiv is a slang term for a sharp or pointed implement used as an improvised knife-like weapon
Shank (Shank(er):One who Shanks )
A shank is a type of shiv that is fashioned from the metal shank of a prison-issued boot or shoe

Maybe the Indian army can do a better than a Prithvi vs. Ghauri Missile naming war. After all, the Pak Army can't get away with naming a missile "Muhammad" or "Allah", can it ?

hmm...Wonder if "Bum Bum Bhole" means anything in Prison !!