Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"Oy chhotu, ek plate dal makhani aur ek plate tandoori chicken..fatafat!!!!"

I always thought that the roots of the American meat-eater's carnage lay in the anthropocentric nature of the Christian influence. Thou shalt not kill, was never applicable to animals was it? After all Yhweh himself asked for sacrifical offerings of lambs, bulls and rams !!

But I never realised that, there has always been a distinction between "Animals that deserve to be slaughtered" and "Animals whose slaughtering is inhumane "

From the Time Article:
Horsemeat is considered a delicacy for many foreign palates. But Americans raise horses for racing, work or companionship, and polls show a large majority of the public finds slaughtering them for a gourmet dinner to be repugnant. "It's one of the most inhumane, brutal and shady practices going on in the United States today," complains Republican Rep. John Sweeney, who sponsored the measure to ban the sale and transport of horses to the slaughterhouses.

That makes me curious about our desi hypocritical side dish often served with "non-veg food". So what does the desi junta think of the prevalent practice amongst some of us (Hindus at least), of salivating for our Butter chicken yet shying away from Beef, as the sinful meat ?

Do, we genuinely believe that Chickens are so stupid, they deserve to die ? Or are we blindly follow what our peers\parents\grandparents did ?

Maybe we start a beef (pun-jabi pasttime ?) and ban books that make references to Vedic cow slaughter.

In case i piss off anyone due to the seemingly high ground I take, Im a vegetarian by no choice. Was raised in a vegetarian family and never got used to eating meat ( tastes like rubber to me....yuck!!) . But I do kill spiders, flies, mosquitoes with the zeal of a crusader!!! :-)